村上春树 开始写作_如何克服对写作的恐惧并找到开始的动力
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村上春树 开始写作

Writing about our work is one of those things that most of us have on our to-do list. But whether it's due to procrastination or fear, we never actually get to it. Here's some more motivation and reasons why you should give it a shot!

撰写我们的工作是我们大多数人要做的事情之一。 但是,无论是由于拖延还是恐惧,我们从未真正做到这一点。 这里有更多的动机和原因,您应该试试看!

我们为什么要首先写? (Why should we write in the first place?)

Maybe you've never thought about writing before or maybe you're looking for a little more motivation. Whatever the case, there are a lot of good reasons why writing can help us grow.

也许您以前从未考虑过写作,或者您正在寻找更多动力。 无论如何,写作有很多充分的理由说明写作可以帮助我们成长。

帮助他人学习 (Helping others to learn)

Coding can be tough. And we all started somewhere at the beginning.

编码可能很困难。 我们都是从一开始就开始的。

It's a long journey that each of us go through and it's even harder to go at it alone. Luckily, we've had websites like and along the way that have made that journey more manageable, but there's always going to be a challenge that just doesn't make sense.

我们每个人都要经历一段漫长的旅程,而独自一人走就更难了。 幸运的是,我们曾经有过类似和类的网站,使这一旅程更易于管理,但总会有一个挑战,这是没有道理的。

This is where we have an opportunity to share our experiences to help others grow. While our favorite coding sites have tons of amazing tutorials, maybe they're missing a key point someone needed to fully grasp the solution.

在这里,我们有机会分享我们的经验,以帮助他人成长。 尽管我们最喜欢的编码站点上有许多很棒的教程,但也许它们缺少某人需要完全掌握该解决方案的关键点。

Whether you're at the beginning or middle of your journey, every experience, big or small, can help another developer on their own journey.


And this is where it can be rewarding. One of my favorite parts of writing has been getting a DM from someone about how helped them learn. It's a great feeling knowing you helped someone else on their journey.

这就是它可以带来回报的地方。 我最喜欢的写作部分之一是从某人那里获得 DM,内容如何帮助他们学习。 知道您在别人的旅途中帮助了别人,这真是一种很棒的感觉。

Take this as a way for you to give back to the community that helped you learn and grow.


加强学习 (Reinforcing your learning)

Thinking back to your grade school Spanish class, one of the tricks to helping the students learn was to reinforce learning. Teachers use different methods like reading, writing, speaking, flashcards, or even that Cinco de Mayo fiesta where you learned about and celebrated Mexico's heritage to help make the language stick.

回到您的小学西班牙语课,帮助学生学习的窍门之一就是加强学习。 老师会使用不同的方法,例如阅读,写作,口语,抽认卡,甚至您在Cinco de Mayo庆典上学习和庆祝墨西哥的传统,以帮助使这种语言牢牢掌握。

This applies to development concepts as well. While your solution is still fresh in your head, write it down! Being able to teach what you've learned by writing about it will help those concepts stick in your head.

这也适用于开发概念。 当您的解决方案仍然记忆犹新时,请写下来! 能够通过写书来教给您所学的知识,这将有助于这些概念扎根。

And just because you write it, it doesn't mean you have to share it. If you're not comfortable sharing it with the world, just keep a copy in a private notebook. You'll always be able to reference it yourself and still reinforce what you know by writing it down.

仅仅因为您编写它,并不意味着您必须共享它。 如果您不愿意与外界分享它,只需将其保存在私人笔记本中即可。 您将始终可以自己引用它,并通过写下来巩固您所知道的内容。

记录我们的经验 (Documenting our experiences)

Doubling up on reinforcing your learning, by writing about your experiences, you're kind of creating your own personal with a list of problems you've already solved.

通过撰写自己的经历来加倍加强学习,您会创建自己的个人 ,上面列出了您已经解决的问题。

As much as we had hoped we would remember how to speak Spanish from the classes we took, 10 years goes by pretty quickly and you suddenly realize you can only correctly say "hola" in Spanish.

就像我们希望我们会记得在所上的课上说西班牙语一样,十年很快过去了,您突然意识到只能用西班牙语正确说“ hola”。

If you were the ambitious type, maybe you saved all of your notes. If not, maybe you remember a good website that has flashcards.

如果您是一个雄心勃勃的作家,也许您保存了所有笔记。 如果没有,也许您还记得一个带有抽认卡的好网站。

Either way, having resources to go back to, whether it's your own notes or that website you still have bookmarked, helps us to quickly reference challenges we've already come across. By writing down your experiences, you're adding to that digital notebook that you know you can always use to remember that quirk you fixed.

无论哪种方式,无论是您自己的笔记还是仍在书签中的网站,都有资源可返回,都可以帮助我们快速引用已经遇到的挑战。 通过写下您的经验,您将添加到该数字笔记本中,您知道该笔记本始终可以用来记住您已解决的问题。

扩大您的个人网络 (Growing your personal network)

Everyone has their own reasons for wanting to write and share content – and that's okay! While some of us might be doing this to help others learn, others might be simply trying to get a job or grow their Twitter following.

每个人都有自己想写和共享内容的理由-没关系! 虽然我们中的某些人可能这样做是为了帮助其他人学习,但其他人可能只是在试图找到工作或发展他们的Twitter关注者。

One of the benefits of sharing your experiences is that you're immediately growing the network of developers that have a little more insight into who you are and the work you've done.


This doesn't guarantee a job, but it certainly can help. All teams are a little different in how they recruit. Smaller teams tend to include other developers more in the beginning of the process who are probably more likely to open your blog and not only read a little bit, but actually understand it.

这不能保证工作,但是肯定可以帮上忙。 所有团队的招募方式略有不同。 规模较小的团队往往会在过程开始时更多地吸收其他开发人员,他们可能更可能打开您的博客,不仅阅读了一点,而且实际上了解了它。

But even if you don't immediately get hired, you're playing the long game. Opportunities will start to come in small ways that lead to bigger opportunities down the road.

但是,即使您没有立即被录用,您仍在玩游戏。 机遇将以小规模的方式出现,从而带来更大的机遇。

为什么您会犹豫,以及我们如何以其他方式看待它 (Why you might be hesitating and how we can look at it another way)

Sometimes motivation isn't enough. We all have our personal challenges that might prevent us from doing something we want to do. But sometimes it's a matter of finding a different perspective to give you that bit of inspiration to finally dive in.

有时候动机还不够。 我们每个人都有自己的挑战,可能会阻止我们做我们想做的事情。 但是有时候,找到一个不同的视角来给您一点灵感,让他们最终潜入是一个问题。

冒名顶替综合症–我应该写给谁? (Imposter syndrome – who am I to write about this?)

This is something I've personally struggled with for the majority of my career. Whether I was confident in my ability to do my job or not, I never felt like it was enough to be one of the people writing guides for others.

在我的职业生涯的大部分时间里,这都是我个人一直在努力的事情。 不管我是否对自己的工作能力充满信心,我从未觉得成为成为其他人编写指南的人之一就足够了。

It wasn't until another team member brought another perspective to this argument (thanks Marquet) – everyone learns differently and maybe my way of telling a story can help someone learn.

直到另一位团队成员对此观点提出了另一种观点(感谢Marquet ),每个人的学习方式都不同,也许我讲故事的方式可以帮助某人学习。

If someone doesn't read my work, what are the consequences beyond a little bit of wasted time? On the other hand, maybe my blog post resonated with someone in a way that other blog posts didn't and they were finally able to solve their problem.

如果有人不读我的作品,那么浪费一点时间会带来什么后果? 另一方面,也许我的博客文章以某种方式引起了别人的共鸣,而其他博客文章却没有,因此他们最终能够解决他们的问题。

And this goes for any level of experience. As says, . If you're not helping someone else, you're at least helping yourself grow.

这适用于任何级别的经验。 正如所说, 。 如果您不帮助别人,那么至少可以帮助自己成长。

寻找时间-写一篇文章需要一段时间 (Finding time – it takes a while to write a post)

Time is a funny thing – it becomes an excuse that we use when we don't want to admit the real reason we're holding back.


Of course that's not always the case. Realistically a lot of us have a ton on our plates already whether we work, take care of a family, or are volunteering to help others. It can be a struggle to not want to just sit on the couch after a hard day's work.

当然,并非总是如此。 实际上,无论我们是工作,照顾家人还是自愿帮助他人,我们很多人都已经准备就绪。 在辛苦了一天的工作后不想只坐在沙发上,这可能是一个斗争。

But consider the free time you do have. Can you spare 10 minutes jotting down a few notes or even starting an outline of some things you want to say?

但是考虑一下您的空闲时间。 您可以抽出10分钟的时间来写下一些笔记,甚至可以为您想说的事情做一个提纲吗?

While 10 minutes won't write a whole post, if you start the habit and write another paragraph or two every day, you'll slowly end up with a blog post that you can feel good about sharing.


Just don't set the bar too high. If you start off with an unrealistic goal, you're likely to burn out fast and end up back in the same position you're at now.

只是不要将标准设置得太高。 如果您从一个不切实际的目标开始,那么您很可能会很快地疲倦,最终回到现在的位置。

没有话题–不知道该写些什么 (No topic – not knowing what to write about)

From speaking with other developers, I've noticed this seems to be tied a little bit to imposter syndrome. Maybe you're getting confident enough that you're more willing to write, but you're struggling to find what to write about. Is it because you can't think of a topic or is it because every topic you think about, you don't think you're enough of an expert to write about it?

通过与其他开发人员交谈,我注意到这似乎与冒名顶替综合症有联系。 也许您已经变得足够自信,以至于您更愿意写,但是您正努力寻找要写的东西。 是因为您无法想到某个主题,还是因为您想到的每个主题,您都不认为您没有足够的专家来撰写该主题?

Not having a topic can be a legitimate problem, but there's inspiration all around us. If you're working every day as a developer, you're working on problems that you ultimately need to solve. Why not write about those problems? And if you can't write about the problems due to contract concerns, what about writing about them in an abstract way without any sensitive information?

没有主题可能是一个合理的问题,但是我们周围都有灵感。 如果您每天都以开发人员的身份工作,那么您正在处理最终需要解决的问题。 为什么不写这些问题呢? 而且,如果您无法写出由于合同问题而引起的问题,那么在没有任何敏感信息的情况下以抽象方式写这些问题又该怎么办呢?

Inspiration for me comes from my experience talking with others. I'm lucky to be on a team that encourages growth of junior developers and during my time helping them out, their questions lead me to think about topics that I took for granted.

我的灵感来自与他人交谈的经验。 我很幸运能够加入一个鼓励初级开发人员成长的团队,在我帮助他们的过程中,他们的问题使我思考了我认为理所当然的主题。

Whenever a topic like that comes up, I immediately note it down for later. This topic was on that list! Over time, my list of topics has grown to a point where I don't think I'll even finish it by the end of the year.

每当出现类似这样的话题时,我都会立即记下来以备后用。 这个话题就在清单上! 随着时间的流逝,我的主题列表已经发展到我甚至都不会在今年年底完成的程度。

While that could feel overwhelming, it's also motivates me to have a bigger selection of what I'm in the mood to write about rather than forcing myself to both think of a new topic and write about something I don't want to write about each week.


Whatever the case, find your source of inspiration. You don't need to be an expert on it. It doesn't matter if someone more experienced already wrote about it. Write what you know. Share your experiences. Maybe you'll help someone see the problem from a different perspective.

无论如何,请找到您的灵感来源。 您不需要是专家。 是否有经验的人已经写过这无关紧要。 写你所知道的。 分享您的经验。 也许您会帮助别人从另一个角度看问题。

寻找什么激励你 (Finding what motivates you)

At the end of the day, writing is something that each of us will need to find our own motivation to do.


Try to evaluate your goals. What are you looking to achieve? If writing is something you truly want to do, you'll need to find your own source of inspiration.

尝试评估您的目标。 您希望实现什么? 如果写作是您真正想要做的事情,则需要找到自己的灵感来源。

While some reasons might be more valid than others, it's easier to find reasons not to do something than it is to do it.


You got this! 💪

你明白了! 💪


村上春树 开始写作


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